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롤 Iem Katowice 참가팀이 발표되었습니다 한국팀 출전!!!

Revealing the full League of Legends lineup for Intel Extreme Masters Katowice

The confirmations are in and we now have our complete Intel Extreme Masters Katowice League of Legends lineup. None other than TSM, SK Telekom T1, Fnaticand Royal Never Give Up will be joining our four already qualified teams Origen, CLG, Ever and QG Reapers in the quest to become Intel Extreme Masters World Champions! After the three day event, the eventual winner will walk home with the lion’s share of the US$100,000 prize pool.

  • TSM

  • SK Telecom T1

  • Fnatic

  • Royal Never Give Up

  • Origen

  • CLG

  • Ever

  • QG Reapers


아래의 네팀이 새로 발표된 초대팀이구요 사이트에 써있는 초대이유라네요



TSM : 2015 IEM 우승


SKT : 2015 World 우승


FNC : 2015 EU LCS Spring, Summer 우승


RNG : 최근 성적과 NESO 우승


TSM: champions of the 2015 Intel Extreme Masters World Championships, the team line-up is all-star and includes numerous fan-favourites: Doublelift, Bjergsen, Yellowstar, Svenskeren and Hauntzer.


SK Telekom T1: winners of the 2015 League of Legends World Championship, the Korean powerhouse is a force to be reckoned with. Faker, Bengi and SKT team coach (KkOma) are the only three League of Legends professionals to win more than one Worlds title, and along with teammates Duke, Bang and Wolf comprise one of the most impressive line-ups in rotation.


Fnatic: winners of the 2015 EU LCS Summer and Spring Playoffs, Fnatic went into the League of Legends World Championships as the strongest European hopeful. Knocked out in the semifinals, the team was robbed of the opportunity to challenge eventual winners, SKT1 something they may now have a second shot at.


Royal Never Give Up: the team have claimed recent success in China, winning the NESO. Their line-up includes inSec, a player once considered to be the best jungler in the world, and one who with his then-team KT Roster Bullets, won the Intel Extreme Masters World Championship in 2014.