The tiltle said it all, we want to see players interact with others,like OGN did. It would increase the hype !!

제목이 곧 내용이야. 우리 모두 OGN에서 본것처럼 서로 이야기하는걸 보고싶고 그건 엄청날거야.

The language barrier makes it even better. Imagine some of the hilarious and cute english coming from the korean and chinese players.

언어 장벽이 그걸 더 좋게 만들거다. 한국 중국 애들이 웃긴 영어로(역자주: 한국/중국에서만 쓰는 오역된영어들) 말하는걸 상상해봐 ㅋㅋ

is bjergsen a bus?

비역슨 버스?

Froggen is better bus

프로겐 버스 짱짱맨

I dont get this.. :( Can u explain pls?

뭔소리야..설명좀 해줘.

In Korea the person who carries the game is the bus driver and everyone else is their passenger.

한국에서는 게임을 캐리하는 사람을 버스기사라고 불러. 그리고 나머지를 승객이라고 부르고.

Holly shit, that's the perfect analogy. Korean bus drivers don't give a single fuck. You either get out of the way, or you get flattened. They have one objective; get the passengers to the next stop. Anybody else can go fuck themselves.

Bus drivers in Korea are insane.

That originated in Starcraft, yes? If I can remember correctly, the Korean word for 'rape' was too vulgar to use, so they changed it slightly to the Korean word for 'to go on a trip', and the person to takes people on trips is a bus driver.

아마도 (채팅금지)스타크래프트에서 나온거겠지? 맞나? rape를 한국인들은 이상하게 써서 '관광보낸다'라고 쓰는것 같던데. 그리고 그걸 보내는 사람은 버스기사고.

korean hype bus confirmed - reddit 2014

한국 급행 버스 출발합니다 - 레딧 2014

but what if we hear cute little doublelift trying to speak korean?

우리의 착하고 귀여운 더블리프트가 한국어로 말하려든다면?

FYI Doublelift has been learning Korean for a few years to try and get Faker Senpai and Monte Senpai to notice him.

더블리프트는 몇년간 한국어를 공부했고 페이커센빠이랑 몬테센빠이랑 말할수도 있을걸.

Madlife and doubelift trash talking, please

매라랑 더블리프트랑 트래쉬 토크를 할수도 있겟군.

I'd imagine Madlife being that respectful and humble guy praising his opponents for their great plays in all chat, while Doublelift trash talks Weixiao each time he misses a cs.

매라가 상대방 great play에 막 겸손하고 존중하면서 칭찬하고 있을때 더블리프트랑 웨이샤오가 서로 cs 더먹었네 못먹엇네 싸울것 같다.

[All] Doublelift: noob

[All] Doublelift: noob

[All] Doublelift: noob

Madlife: y u say noob

Doublelift: i say it every time he misses CS

Doublelift: mindgames OP

Madlife: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

meanwhile, on FIRE

더블리프트 : 눕

더블리프트 : 눕

더블리프트 : 눕

매라 : 왜자꾸그럼?

더블리프트 : 내가 말할때마다 재가 cs를 놓침

더블리프트 : 심리게임 OP

매라 : ㅋㅋ

[All] NA Doublelift: Pls report my support refusing to communicate

더블리프트 : 매라리폿좀 말을 안하네 ㅡㅡ

[All] ICE Froggen: Rød grød med fløde?

[All] ICE Doublelift: Say whut?

[All] FIRE Shy: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[All] ICE Caomei: 我得到了更多的選票 比你罵

[All] FIRE Archie: Họ đang noi gi vậy?

[All] FIRE QTV: Toi rất cao ngay bay giờ

[All] ICE MadLife: 난 당신을 연결합니다 - 오른쪽 해설가에!

[All] FIRE Bjergsen: Lyder sgu vidunderligt, min gode frømand!

THIS CHAT... Is SO gonna have to happen

EDIT: [All] FIRE Diamond: Этот чат, нуждается в большем количестве водку от Родины